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The BEST Minutes listings near North Central Wisconsin

The BEST Minutes listings near North Central Wisconsin


CAMPBELLSPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Eden Elementary School Library, Room 28 September 23, 2024 7:30 p.m. Call to order. Meeting was called to order by Mike Weiss at 7:30 p.m. Meeting was held in the Eden Elementary School Library, Room 28. Board Members present: Mike Weiss, Maureen Koch, Deborah Senn, Jessica Strand, James Ninnemann, and Keith Peters. Sharon Gazzola was absent. Administrators present: Tom Wissink, Shelley Eilbes, Sally Kellman, Shanda Cerny, Matt Seiser, Sherman Gengler, Amy Rettler, Mark Wittig, Steve Hamm Also Present: Jim Hess, Sawyer Immel and Isabelle Sperfslage Public Comment: Jim Hess spoke about Title IX Announcements/ Recognitions Mr. Wissink wanted to thank the Kettle Moraine Angels for their donation of $250 to the lunch program to support children in need and individual gift cards for student/family needs such as coats, etc. Presentations Sawyer Immel, Isabelle Sperfslage and Jessica Jensen spoke about the highlights of their trip to Washington DC and New York City over the summer. Approval of meeting minutes September 9, 2024 Board Meeting Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Maureen Koch to approve the September 9, 2024 Board Meeting minutes. Motion carried 6-0-0. Approval of expenses, payroll and receipts Motion by Maureen Koch, seconded by Deb Senn to approve the expenses, payroll and receipts as presented. Motion carried 6-0-0. Reports: District Administrator Updates Kettle Moraine Angels donated $250 to the lunch program to support children in need and individual gift cards for student/family needs such as coats, etc. The Kettle Moraine Angels are a non-profit that provides financial aid to help local people in need or crisis. The Campbellsport School District appreciates their generosity and kindness. It will make a difference! The Campbellsport High School, led by Choir Teacher Joey Loescher will be hosting (and reviving) the Conference Honors Choir Festival on Friday, September 27, 2024. Students from local high schools (Campbellsport, Laconia, Lomira and Waupun) will be rehearsing and performing under the direction of Dr. Robert Gehrenbeck, UW-Whitewater, Director of Choirs. A free and open to the public performance will take place at 4:30 p.m. in the CHS Lang Auditorium. Kraus-Anderson facility surveys were sent to all staff on September 16, 2024. The survey is open until October 1, 2024. The survey asks staff for their input on facility strengths, areas for improvement, needs, suggestions/input, etc. WASB Fall Regional Meetings are coming up. Region 8 meeting is September 24, 2024 in Kiel WASB Rep Patti Vickman is confirmed for the October 7, 2024 Board meeting from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. to provide training on the new superintendent online evaluation system Principal/Director Updates Mrs. Cerny updated on the professional development for literacy on ACT 20 started today; students are rostered in for AIMSweb screener, with screening that has already started this week Mrs. Rettler mentioned that they have a total of 227 students at EES; they have been practicing safety drills; Eden Fire Department came for the fire drill and they provided great feedback on where to evacuate in the event of a fire; currently working on i-Ready testing; ACE class with Deputy Weed took place Mr. Hamm mentioned that the Teachers focused today on current science based reading literacy interventions; practiced safety drills and worked with Deputy Weed to work out the wrinkles; building positive relationships between the students and staff; consistent behavior expectations throughout the building; PBIS assembly is next week; October 18 & 19 Missoula play (Pied Piper) in the Lang Auditorium Mr. Wittig mentioned that Student Council is being implemented again; no cell phones in the classroom expectation has been going very well; 1:1 chromebooks have been very well received; staff worked on their improvement plans for the year; student and staff surveys were reviewed from last year; fire drill went well last week Mr. Gengler touched on the 1:1 chromebooks for the high school; only two (2) repairs on chromebooks thus far Mr. Seiser replaced and decommissioned bubblers and bottle filling stations in Eden; performed water testing; Wisconsin Solar & Design was in today to look at the skylight in the MS commons that is failing Board Committee Updates Curriculum and Technology – last met on March 25, 2024; tentatively scheduled for October 14, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in the HS Library Media Center with the human growth and development advisory committee (this may require two meetings) Facilities – last met September 16, 2024 Finance – last met July 29, 2024 (joint meeting with Facilities); next meeting scheduled for September 25, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room Personnel – last met August 12, 2024 Policy – last met July 2, 2024 Safety and Transportation – last met July 22, 2024; schedule next meeting at October 7, 2024 meeting WASB Regional Meeting, Region 8, September 24, 2024 in Kiel, WI Unfinished Business - None New Business: Discussion with appropriate action regarding approval of: Resignations/retirements - none Hires - None Approval of the 2024 Budget Hearing and Annual Meeting agenda Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Jessica Strand to approve the 2024 Budget Hearing and Annual Meeting agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0-0. Items for Future Agenda and/or Research: Board Member Requests for Information Closed Session – the Board convened into closed session at 8:21 p.m. Motion by Keith Peters, seconded by Jim Ninnemann. Motion carried 6-0-0. Approval of the following closed session meeting minutes: September 9, 2024 Board meeting Discussion considering the employment, compensation, or performance of an employee over which the Board has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility The Board reconvened into open session at 8:42 p.m. Motion by Mike Weiss, seconded by Keith Peters. Motion carried 6-0-0. Motion by Deb Senn, seconded by Maureen Koch to accept the retirements of Mary Ellenbecker and Craig Ellenbecker at the end of the 2024-2025 school year with regrets. Motion carried 6-0-0. Motion to Adjourn by Mike Weiss, seconded by Keith Peters at 8:43 p.m. Motion carried 6-0-0. Respectfully submitted, Jessica L. Strand Clerk
Kewaskum School District Board of Education Regular Meeting Thursday, September 12, 2024 Roll Call of Board members present: Dennis Aupperle, Stephanie Bird, Jim Leister, Sue Miller, Bradley Petersen, Timothy Ramthun (left at 7:03 pm). Absent: Ric Leitheiser Following a moment of silence, Dr. Bazata verified that the meeting had been posted pursuant to §19.84(1)(2)(3)(4). BPetersen/DAupperle motion to approve agenda as presented. Motion passed 6-0. SBird led the Pledge of Allegiance. Consent Agenda BPetersen/SMiller motion to approve the consent agenda including; minutes - 08/18/24; Instructional Resignations - Margaret Lucas Art Teacher; Instructional Hires - Melissa Guglielmi Art Teacher; Extracurricular Resignations - Jeremy Geidel KHS Rocket Club Advisor; Extracurricular Hires - Emily Wolf Forensics Assistant Advisor, Amber Halopka Key Club Advisor, Aubrey Thiede 8th Grade Girls Basketball Coach, Ashley Schulz 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach. Motion passed 6-0. Items for Discussion and/or Action SMiller/TRamthun motion to approve payroll report for $1,154,685.21. Motion passed 6-0. SMiller/SBird motion to approve accounts payable for $537,255.68. Motion passed 6-0. TRamthun/DAupperle motion to approve the 3 year contract with the YMCA as presented. Motion passed 6-0. BPetersen/SMiller motion to approve overnight/out-of-state field trip for KHS FFA to attend National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN from 10/22-10/25/24. Motion passed 6-0 SBird/DAupperle motion to approve overnight field trip for KHS FFA to attend FFA Fall Leadership Conference Stevens Point, WI 11/15-11/16/24. Motion passed 6-0 SBird/SMiller motion to approve overnight/out of state field trip for KMS Students to visit Boston, MA 07/07-07/10/25. Motion passed 6-0 Purchases over $7,500 for Discussion and/or Action SMiller/DAupperle motion to approve, per recommendation from 08/28/24 Building & Grounds Committee, KHS Fitness Center Air Handler from Dillett Mechanical for $18,087 from Fund 46. Motion passed 6-0 SMiller/BPetersen motion to approve, per recommendation from 09/11/24 Finance Committee, Floor Scrubber from Belson for $23,737.00. Motion passed 6-0 SMiller/DAupperle motion to approve, per recommendation from 01/03/24 Building & Grounds Committee, purchase of Ford F350 4x4 Pickup Truck from Hiller Ford Inc., for $70,869.50. Motion passed 6-0 SMiller/SBird motion to approve, per recommendation from 09/11/24 Finance Committee, purchase of PreACT from ACT Education Corporation for $8,024. Motion passed 6-0 Policy BPetersen/SBird motion, per recommendation from 08/07/24 Policy Committee, to approve revised policies 3310/4310 Employee Expression. Motion passed 6-0 Closed Session BPetersen/SMiller motion to adjourn to closed session to consider student discipline. Motion passed 6-0. Open session ended at 7:03 p.m. Open session reconvened at 8:14 p.m. Adjournment DAupperle/SMiller motion to adjourn meeting. Motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m. Minutes by: Lisa Heiser, Executive Assistant Approved: October 10, 2024 Board President: Jim Leister 10/17 WNAXLP
MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE NEW LONDON BOARD OF EDUCATION AT THE DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Wednesday, September 25, 2024 PRESENT: K. Batten, M. Grossman, N. Grundy, J. Heideman, C. Martinson, and M. Wilz. EXCUSED: H. Schweitzer. I. VISITORS AND COMMUNICATION (PUBLIC FORUM) II. CALL TO ORDER AND ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by C. Martinson, President. A quorum was established. The pledge of allegiance was led by C. Martinson. III. NEW BUSINESS A. Tour of New London High School The Board took a tour of the New London High School to view the updates and upgrades that were completed. B. Review and Potential Approval of Act 143 School Safety Requirements/Updates for 2024-25 It was moved by M. Grossman and seconded by J. Heideman to approve the Act 143 school safety requirements/updates for 2024-25. Motion carried. C. Seclusion/Restraint Report for the 2023-24 School Year K. Martin reviewed the seclusion/restraint report for 2023-24. D. Discussion of Co-Curricular Proposal for High School Girls Golf S. Bleck and P. Sloma reviewed the co-curricular proposal for High School girls golf. E. Confidence Profile S. Bleck reviewed the confidence profile activity done at the back-to-school inservice. An email with access to the survey will be provided to Board members to complete and discuss at the October 9 Board meeting. IV. CLOSED SESSION It was moved by M. Wilz and seconded by K. Batten to enter into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin State Statutes as listed on the agenda at 7:09 p.m. Motion carried on a roll call vote of 6-0. It was moved by M. Wilz and seconded by N. Grundy to enter open session at 8:55 p.m. Motion carried. V. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION TO TAKE ANY NECESSARY ACTION ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS A. Employment of Personnel It was moved by M. Wilz and seconded by M. Grossman to approve the co-curricular contracts as presented. Motion carried on a roll call vote of 6-0. It was moved by N. Grundy and seconded by M. Wilz to approve employment of the following: • Lois Cunningham, Educational Assistant • Mary Frisch, Educational Assistant • William Zeimet, Bus Driver Motion carried on a roll call vote of 6-0. It was moved by N. Grundy and seconded by M. Wilz to approve the additional assignment stipends as presented. Motion carried on a roll call vote of 6-0. VI. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by J. Heideman and seconded by M. Grossman to adjourn the meeting at 7:57 p.m. Motion carried. Katie Batten, Clerk Publish Oct. 17, 2024 WNAXLP
REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING MONDAY, JULY 22, 2024 HS COMMUNITY FORUM ROOM Meeting called to order by President, Doug Ehrenberg at 6:00 p.m. Meeting began with the Pledge of Allegience. Roll Call - Board members present: Kohl, aye; Wagner, aye, Ehrenberg, aye; Loehrke, aye, Gorchals, aye, Gerrits, and Looker aye. Board members absent: None. Meeting properly noticed: Yes. Quorum: Yes. Administration present: Phillip Tubbs, Jodi Alix, Donald Ryan, Nick Schultek. Administration absent: Alexander Muir. Supervisors present: Hope Steiger. Others Present: Jessica Schuetz, John Neuman, Michele Neuman, Paul Krause, Adrienne Rice, Chamomile Nusz. COMMUNICATION AND VISITORS VISITORS: Jessica Schuetz spoke to the board about Title IX and has concerns about this and wants to raise awareness on this subject. ADMINISTRATION PHILLIP TUBBS Mr. Tubbs noted that the district is in the middle of hiring staff and we are looking for a few hard to fill positions yet. The administration team has gotten together and looking at last years goals and setting a direction for the district. JODI ALIX Ms. Alix noted that Bo Seibel will be having a co-curricular meeting on August 1st. Dual credit teachers here have attended FVTC for training to be able to teach those classes here. They are also working hard to get ready for the upcoming school year. DONALD RYAN Mr. Ryan noted that it is quiet right now in the elementary but preparing for the upcoming school year. NICHOLAS SCHULTEK Mr. Schultek gave a report to the board on the special education department. He also noted that (2) Speech & Language employees have stepped away. He noted that there is a little up tick in the number of students with special needs that are enrolling into the district. He noted that there are five students that are exiting the ELL program and will not need direct services which goes to all the great staff that we have. He also noted that the Pupil Services Department will be taking over the Gifted and Talented program. ALEXANDER MUIR Mr. Muir was not present but gave a written report to the board. Mr. Tubbs noted that the district is getting close to 100% for the year. The audit will be happening in August. Food service ran a little heavy. OTHERS None. BOARD OF EDUCATION Nothing to report. RECOGNITION AND SPECIAL GUESTS None. STUDENT SCHOOL BOARD REPRESENTATIVE Ms. Wisner was not present. CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS Motion by Wagner, seconded by Gerrits, to approve the June monthly payments as printed. Roll call vote: Loehrke, aye; Kohl, aye; Wagner, aye; Gorchals, aye; Looker aye; Ehrenberg, aye; Gerrits aye. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. Motion by Ehrenberg, seconded by Wagner, to approve the June monthly cash receipts as printed. Roll call vote: Ehrenberg, aye; Kohl, aye; Gerrits, aye; Wagner, aye; Gorchals, aye; Looker aye; Loehrke, aye. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS CHARTER SCHOOL UPDATE Ms. Chamomile Nusz gave a detailed presentation to the board on the charter school and what it means to be an authorizer and the board governance. Mr. Krause who is the Charter School Board President was also available at the meeting as well to answer any questions. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Ehrenberg, seconded by Gerrits, to accept the consent agenda as presented. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. Under the Consent Agenda, the Board of Education approved the following: A. Committee of the Whole Meeting –7-8-24 B. Regular Board of Education Meeting –6-24-24 C. Resignations – Wes Schroeder - Director of Buildings & Grounds, Lauren Visser - EL Coach D. Hires – Maggie Rohde - WE Special Education Teacher NEW BUSINESS TITLE IX POLICY (Action) There was lengthy discussion on the Title IX policy that goes into effect August 1, 2024. Motion by Looker, seconded by Loehrke, that Title IX be tabled with no deadline date for board approval or disapproval. Roll call vote: Looker, aye; Gerrits, aye; Ehrenberg, aye; Gorchals, aye; Wagner, aye, Loehrke, aye; Kohl, aye. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. STUDENT ACADEMIC STANDARDS (Action) Motion by Wagner, seconded by Gerrits, to approve the 2024-2025 school year academic standards. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. 2024-2025 STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK (Action) Motion by Gerrits, seconded by Loehrke, to approve the 2024-2025 school year student/parent handbook. Amended Motion by Looker, seconded by Gerrits, to approve the 2024-2025 school year student/parent handbook with modification to Title IX clause. Roll call vote: Kohl, aye; Wagner, aye; Ehrenberg, aye; Loehrke, aye; Gorchals, aye; Gerrits, aye; Looker, aye. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. 2024-2025 EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK (Action) Motion by Looker, seconded by Gerrits, to approve the 2024-2025 school year employee handbook to follow current district board policy Title IX. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. 2024-2025 CO-CURRICULAR HANDBOOK (Action) Motion by Ehrenberg, seconded by Looker, to approve the 2024-2025 school year cocurricular handbook to follow current district board policy Title IX. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. 2024-2025 STAFF WAGE RECOMMENDATIONS (Action) Motion by Wagner, seconded by Gorchals, to approve the 2024-2025 wage recommendations that were discussed at the Committee of the Whole closed session that provided an average of a 3.5% increase for staff. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. ADMINISTRATIVE CONTRACT (Discussion/Action) Motion by Ehrenberg, seconded by Gerrits, to approve a two year rolling contract for the school district. Roll call vote: Kohl, nay; Wagner, aye; Ehrenberg, aye; Loehrke, nay; Gorchals, nay; Gerrits, aye; Looker, aye. Three (3) ayes. Four (4) nays. Motion failed. Motion by Looker, seconded by Loehrke, to approve the two year non-rolling contract for the school district administrators. Roll call vote: Looker, aye; Gerrits, nay; Gorchals, aye; Loehrke, aye; Ehrenberg, aye; Wagner, nay. Five (5) ayes. Two (2) nays. Motion carried 2024-2025 EMERGENCY SAFETY PLAN (Action) Motion by Ehrenberg, seconded by Kohl, to approve the 2024-2025 emergency safety plan. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. CALENDAR & FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Motion by Ehrenberg, seconded by Kohl, to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Seven (7) ayes. Zero (0) nays. Motion carried. The August Regular Board of Education Meeting will be held on August 26, 2024 at 6:00 PM in the High School Community Forum Room. Monthly Regular Board of Education Meeting agendas will be posted on the district website at, the Weyauwega Public Library, Weyauwega City Hall, Fremont Village Hall, Neuschafer Community Library, Waupaca County Post, and at all W-F District locations. Dawn Loughrin Board Secretary Publish Oct. 17, 2024 WNAXLP
SCHOOL BOARD MEETING MINUTES September 10, 2024 Regular Meeting Pursuant to the regulations, the regular Board meeting was held on the above date in the Waupaca High School Community Room and live streamed via YouTube. The meeting was also broadcast on TV Channel 991. The purpose of the Board Meeting Minutes is to capture the essence of discussions through the actions voted on. These minutes should not be interpreted to represent a transcription of the meeting. To watch a recording of this meeting, please click here. President’s Comments and Pledge of Allegiance: Ron Brooks welcomed everyone and asked Bob Adams to lead the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Ron Brooks at 5:30 p.m. Magic Minute: President Brooks shared a quote from The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. He advised that he is adding a new standing item to the Board’s regular meeting agenda entitled “Magic Minute”, and asked the Board members to be prepared to share a positive comment at the next meeting. This item will not be up for discussion nor will it be elaborated on. It should be an event or comment that is good and provides a positive light. He noted that another Board member cannot agree with or duplicate another member’s comment. Roll Call: Present in the WHS Community Room: Ron Brooks, Steve Klismet, Molly McDonald, Betty Manion, Dale Feldt, Bob Adams, and Lori Verhalen. Also Present: Present in the WHS Community Room: Craig Gerlach, Sandy Lucas, Mark Flaten, Austin Moore, Laurie Schmidt, Michael Werbowsky, Jenifer Erb, John Meyer, John Erspamer, Jody Pankratz, Carrie Naparalla, Rob Scherrer, Kyle Scherwinski, Jay Seefeldt, Anna Lussier, Marsha Purchatzke, Nate Nelson, and members of the community. Approval of Agenda: A motion was made by Betty Manion and seconded by Molly McDonald to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Public Comment: None. Review of Board Meeting Norms: The Board reviewed their collective commitments. Communications: Donations: Board President Brooks advised that donations of school supplies were made by Corinn Lionberg and Clear Water Harbor, Assembly of God Church, and Go-Riteway. A motion was made by Dale Feldt and seconded by Lori Verhalen to accept, with gratitude, the donations of school supplies as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Go-Riteway “Stuff the Bus” Update: Ms. Marsha Purchatzke of Go-Riteway advised that the “Stuff the Bus” event was held August 5-16 with a brat fry on the 16th. She presented the District with $1,191 which was raised in cash and check donations as well as the brat fry. They also received a large amount of school supplies which were distributed to all four schools. Pregnancy Loss Leave Policy - Nate Nelson: Detective Sergeant Nate Nelson of the Waupaca County Sheriff’s Department advised that the purpose of his presentation is to propose that the School District of Waupaca adopt a reproductive loss policy. He shared his personal losses and that he was able to take time off to heal and support his family by using a vacation day or comp time. He advised that because vacation/comp time is very limited, he proposed to the Sheriff's Department that they implement a Pregnancy Loss Leave Policy, which they agreed to do. He noted that the City of Waupaca has also adopted a similar policy. Det. Sgt. Nelson added that he is willing to provide any additional guidance to the District and will provide the documentation that was presented to the County as well as the County’s policy. District Administrator Craig Gerlach noted that the District does not currently have a policy relating to this but he will check to see if there may be something else that would apply and will provide the Board with that information. A Policy Committee meeting may need to be held to discuss it further. Monitoring: Making Learning Visible Plan Update: Director of Teaching and Learning Mark Flaten advised that as an update on the Making Learning Visible Plan (MLVP), he has asked teachers to share their experiences and provide tangible outcomes. A lot of work has been done by the teachers behind the scenes, working with students along their academic journey. He provided examples of class syllabuses that were shared with parents and students. As noted, the syllabus outlines what students will experience in the class, what their expectations are, and how they will be assessed. He read Mr. Jeff Dolski’s written statement, noting that homework does count but that quality versus quantity is what really matters. Ms. Anna Lussier shared two major positive outcomes of the MLVP that have impacted her students and her teaching. One is the PLC time which provides the time and opportunity to have conversations with other teachers and grade bands, thus there is less confusion between grade bands. The second is the implementation of assessments based on content area. Because of the outlined success criteria, students know what they need to do to be successful. Mr. Jay Seefeldt noted that there is now common language between the High School and Middle School, and students understand what is expected. It is important to note that the job is to get it, not just to get it done. The MLVP also provides clarity for new staff. Staff are deep into the targets and are now in the application process – what specific skill are we asking the students to know, what the learning target is, and when assessments are done. Learning is easier for students when you do not focus on the grade but on learning the targets. Mr. Flaten advised that we have made a lot of strides to create a system that is supportive to our staff and students, but understands that change is hard. We need to work together to be sure we are meeting the expectations. He noted that we need to support our staff and need to be flexible with the time needed on Wednesdays. Therefore, he advised that the ending time on Wednesday PLCs will be changing from 4:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. beginning on September 25. He noted that we are at a much better place now and can shorten the PLC time, as we are now able to focus on common assessments and maintenance of the MLVP. Several Board members raised the concern relating to not compensating staff for staying until 4:00 p.m. Staff advised them that they did realize the value of the PLCs but did not like the 4:00 p.m. end time. Board member Steve Klismet had additional concerns – local businesses would prefer starting school later (after Labor Day) and ending earlier (by Memorial Day); and was wondering if there were opportunities for CEC Suzuki students going to WHS. Mr. Flaten advised that if we shorten the school year, there will be less professional development available for teachers and it would shorten their contracts. Mr. Klismet suggested that the teachers be given an opportunity to have their opinions heard anonymously and only for the Board to see. Mr. Gerlach pointed out that the real issue is do we value professional development? He noted that post Act 10 it is important that we are fair, so if appropriate compensation is needed for professional development, we need to figure out how to make that happen. We want to create a better working environment for our staff. He pointed out that the information provided tonight is an update of where we are at with the MLVP. We realize we need to step back from the 4:00 p.m. PLC end time and discuss compensation. In addition, we are continuing to have discussions relating to the Suzuki program. Board Reports: Student Representative Report: None. Approval of Minutes: August 13, 2024 Regular Board Meeting A motion was made by Lori Verhalen and seconded by Bob Adams to approve the Minutes of the August 13, 2024, regular Board meeting as presented. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Upcoming Meetings and Other Activities : The Board was reminded of the following upcoming meetings and other activities: September 23, 2024 - Homecoming Coronation - 7:00 p.m. October 8, 2024 - Regular Board Meeting - 5:30 p.m. Completion of Board Member Availability Calendar: The Board members were asked to complete their availability calendars through October. School Visits or Other Board Reports: Board member Betty Manion shared that she attended the CEC family night and also visited several classrooms at CEC where the students were involved in different activities using the produce from the garden. She also visited the music room. Board President Brooks attended his grandchildren’s orientation at WLC. CEC Liaison Report: CEC Liaison Betty Manion advised that she attended the September 6th Governance Council meeting where they discussed several items. She advised that the application for a grant for a vending machine for student books was not accepted but they are pursuing another way to get that established. Enrollment numbers are good, and several teachers are attending the special education teaching program. They have created a story walk, and the Coffee Talks have resumed. They are also exploring bids for a playground design. She noted that the corn roast is Friday at 1:30 p.m. with Turner's Market donating the corn and condiments, and the CEC is again having the Halloween on Main Street event. Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Molly McDonald and seconded by Dale Feldt to approve the items of the consent agenda as presented. Financial Reports: Accounts Payable Updated Staffing Changes for the 2024-2025 School Year Resignations: Aaron Strebe - WHS Technology Education Teacher Holly Johnson - WLC Ed. Asst.-Spec. Ed. Hires – 2024-2025 School Year: Peyton Kowalski - WHS Science Teacher Christopher Much - WHS Technology Education Teacher Barb Ryder - .4 FTE WLC Speech Language Pathologist Maria Caballero De Lopez - District Bilingual Ed. Asst. Cathryn Warner - WHS Ed. Asst.-Spec. Ed. Hannah Novak - WHS Ed. Asst.-Spec. Ed. Rachel Giefer - WMS Ed. Asst.-Spec. Ed. Cristy Frea - WLC Ed. Asst.-Spec. Ed Brianna Hagen - WLC Ed. Asst.-Spec. Ed. Kari Santkuyl - WLC Ed. Asst.-Spec. Ed. Maria Vaughan - WLC Ed. Asst. Lauren Halstead - Part Time CEC Ed. Asst. Kerry Schultz - CEC Ed. Asst. Emily Davenport - Part Time WLC Food Service Class 3A Transfers/Changes - 2024-2025 School Year: Amber Koski - .5 FTE 4K Teacher and .5 FTE Special Education Teacher at CEC to .5 FTE CEC 4K Teacher and .5 FTE WLC Special Education Teacher Extra Curricular Coaches and Advisors – 2024-2025 School Year: Resignations: Aaron Strebe - WHS Cross Country Asst. Coach, WHS Girls Track Asst. Coach, and Musical Stage Design and Construction WMS Advisor Positions: Ashley Nelson - Art Club Salary Step Changes : Jessica Bank - 8M18 to 8M24 Jill Beilfuss - 9M18 to 9M24 Emily Bina - 8B18 to 8M0 Brittany Chovanec - 5M0 to 5M6 Tricia Deuman - 25M6 to 25M18 Nick Engle - 10M0 to 10M6 Mary Erspamer - 24M24 to 24M30 Sydney Erspamer - 2B0 to 2B6 Melanie Eskildsen - 14B24 to 14B30 Kirstin Feldt - 8M12 to 8M18 Sarah Hanneman - 15M6 to 15M12 Stephanie Imhoff - 15B18 to 15B24 Emma Ives - 3B30 to 3M0 Karen Koehler - 16B12 to 16B18 Alan Konda - 13M18 to 13M24 Becky Liegl - 12M12 to 12M24 Drew Madden - 6M0 to 6M6 Cory Nagel - 12M18 to 12M24 Ashley Nelson - 9M28 to 9M30 Mark Otte - 16M12 to 16M18 Tori Revoir - 10B18 to 10B24 Nathan Schmidt - 24M18 to 24M30 Brittany Schnobrich - 10M12 to 10M18 Cory Scott - 3B0 to 3B6 Emily Stafslien - 12M12 to 12M18 Payton Thurber - 5M6 to 5M18 Kristie Tripp - 15B6 to 15B12 Haley Trzinski - 6B6 to 6B12 Crystal Vida - 9M12 to 9M18 Jason Wenzel - 7M6 to 7M24 Approval of Free and Reduced Lunch Program The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Administration: Mr. Gerlach advised that the welcome back breakfast for staff went very well and Dr. Schu’s presentation was very good and educational. It has been a really good start to the school year. Set Graduation Date: Mr. Gerlach advised that according to Board Policy 5460, the date of the graduation ceremony is on the Sunday prior to the last day of school for students unless it is changed by the Board. For the past three years it was changed to a Wednesday evening to allow for more staff to participate in the ceremony. But if the graduation ceremony is held on Wednesday, May 28, 2025, as Administration has recommended, the seniors will be short two hours of DPI-required instructional time and will be out of school seven days earlier than the rest of the students. Another issue then is that the last day for staff is Monday, June 9, 2025. However, we could change Martin Luther King Day from a holiday to a teacher work day. He noted that when considering time off, the #1 priority is what is best educationally, and then what is best for the community. Mr. Gerlach also advised that another proposal was to have the graduation ceremony on Memorial Day weekend. However, the seniors would be another 15 hours short of the DPI-required instructional time and would be out 10 days before the end of school. Several Board members commented that parents do not like the Wednesday night ceremony because it is more difficult for family members to attend and would prefer the weekend. Board member Molly McDonald advised she polled several moms with the result being a majority wanting the ceremony on Memorial Day weekend with their second choice being on Wednesday night. Board member Betty Manion then provided some historical data on past graduation dates. In response to discussion relating to the DPI required number of instructional minutes, Mr. Flaten advised that the hours requirement varies by grade level with high school students having the most. It was also noted that the number of teacher contract days is very different than hours of instructional time but each affects one another. Much discussion then continued, with the Board agreeing that it is best to have a set policy. Mr. Gerlach suggested that if the ceremony is on a weekend, Saturday is probably better than Sunday. So he proposed the last Saturday prior to the end of the school year. But for this year, we need to either have it on May 28 and change Martin Luther King Day to a teacher workday, or the Saturday after (May 31). It cannot be on Memorial Day weekend because of the number of hours/days lost. Mr. Flaten commented that he would require nothing less than what the DPI requires as we need to follow the law. So May 28th could be a full day of instruction and the 29th as a half day, with the graduation ceremony on May 31 or June 1. High School Principal Michael Werbowsky added that he would like to have the ceremony on Wednesday night to allow more staff to participate. He pointed out that we could run into issues with sporting events if we have it set in policy for a Friday or Saturday. Many Board members reiterated that they want a set policy, and would like to have the graduation ceremony on the Saturday before the last day of school. However, Mr. Gerlach pointed out that a policy change is not on tonight’s agenda so this will have to be brought to a Policy Committee meeting. A motion was made by Dale Feldt and seconded by Lori Verhalen to accept the Administration’s recommendation for this school year only and set the 2025 graduation date as Wednesday, May 28, 2025, at 7:00 p.m., and revise the school calendar to change the June 6, 2025, instructional day to January 21, 2025, and move the January 21, 2025, professional development day to January 20, 2025, and the last day for staff will be June 6, 2025. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Adjournment Into Closed Session: A motion was made by Dale Feldt and seconded by Molly McDonald to adjourn into closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 19.85(1)(e), deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session, specifically to discuss the potential sale of the 515 School Street Property; and pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 19.85(1)(c), considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility, specifically to discuss the Superintendent search. The motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote at 7:12 p.m. The Board did not reconvene in open session. Adjournment: A motion was made by Lori Verhalen and seconded by Dale Feldt to adjourn the meeting at 8:09 p.m. The motion carried unanimously on a voice vote. Date Ron Brooks, President Board of Education Date Betty Manion, Clerk Board of Education Publish Oct. 17, 2024 WNAXLP
Village of Kewaskum Village Board Meeting Minutes September 16, 2024, 7:00 PM The Kewaskum Village Board, Washington County, Wisconsin met in regular session at the Fire Station, 1106 Fond du Lac Ave. Board Members Present: Martin, Parse, Hovland, Wright, Schlitt, Knoebel and Weninger Staff Members Present: Gitter, Butz Martin called the meeting of the Village Board to order at 7:00 p.m., followed by roll call and a reading of the Affidavit of Posting for the meeting. A moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance were observed. Motion by Wright, seconded by Hovland to approve the August 19, 2024 meeting minutes, voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Wright, seconded by Parse to approve the August 28, 2024 meeting minutes, voice vote, motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING – Martin opened the public hearing on Alcohol Beverage License Application commencing on September 19, 2024 and ending on June 30, 2025 for Combination Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverage and “Class B” Intoxicating Liquor License for Crow’s Nest Bar & Grill LLC dba Iron Haven, 215 Main Street, Kewaskum, Agent – Collin Nelson; no comments. Motion by Knoebel, seconded by Parse to close the public hearing, carried by roll call vote: Parse – aye, Hovland – aye, Wright – aye, Schlitt – aye, Knoebel – aye, Weninger – aye and Martin – aye (7-0) APPEARANCE BY CITIZENS - none REPORT OF DEPARTMENT HEADS Administrator – Gitter reported on the Municipal Facility, Downtown Redevelopment, US Highway 45 project, and TID #4 utility Assistant Administrator/Clerk – Butz reported on sidewalk invoices, General Election, budget preparations and Q3 utility billing. Treasurer – Carter provided the August Cash on Hand & Investment report Fire Chief – Groeschel reported on Fire & EMS activities in August Police Chief – Bishop reported on Police activities in August. Director of Public Works – Aupperle reported on street painting, new signage at yard, lead pipe reported to DNR, radio read installs, TID #4 water main, final brush chipping on October 7th, switching to leaf pick-up and US Hwy 45 project update. Library Director – Kreis provided her report on August Library activities COMMITTEE REPORTS Administrative Committee – Hovland reported that the Administrative Committee met earlier this evening and recommended the approval of the following: Motion by Hovland, seconded by Parse to approve August Accounts Payable, voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Hovland, seconded by Schlitt to approve August Payroll, voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Hovland, seconded by Wright to approve Cloud Permit software with planning component added, voice vote, motion carried. Protection & Public Safety – Next meeting is September 18, 2024 Public Works and Public Services – Next meeting is September 18, 2024 Plan Commission – Next meeting is September 17, 2024 Park & Recreation – Next meeting is September 18, 2024 Library Board – Next meeting is October 14, 2024 Mid-Moraine – Next meeting is September 25, 2024 ED/AC – no meeting EMS – No report UNFINISHED BUSINESS – none NEW BUSINESS Motion by Knoebel, seconded by Hovland to table discussion on ATV/UTV ordinance to October 7, 2024, voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Wright, seconded by Weninger to approve Cellphone Policy, voice vote, motion carried. No action taken on Absentee Voting for the 2024 General Election. Motion by Knoebel, seconded by Weninger to approve Combination Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverage and “Class B” Intoxicating Liquor License for Crows Nest Bar & Grill LLC dba Iron Haven, 215 Main Street, Kewaskum, Agent – Collin Nelson, voice vote, motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENT – Darlene Walls inquired on non-resident comments during Village meetings Motion by Martin, seconded by Wright to convene into Closed Session at 7:45 p.m. pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(e) to discuss EMS Shared Services and Kewaskum Police Association Collective Bargaining, carried by roll call vote: Parse – aye, Hovland – aye, Wright – aye, Schlitt- aye, Knoebel – aye, Weninger - aye and Martin – aye (7-0) Motion by Knoebel, seconded by Wright to adjourn at 8:01 p.m., voice vote, motion carried. Tammy Butz Assistant Administrator/Clerk Approved: October 7, 2024 10/17 WNAXLP


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